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Water Heater Repair & Installation

Seamless water heater repair and installation, providing you with consistent warmth and comfort. Trust in our expertise.

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Water Heater Repair & Installation in NYC - Get Expert Help from Quix



At Quix Plumbing, we recognize the critical role your water heater plays in maintaining comfort and convenience in your home. Whether you’re facing a lack of hot water, a leaky tank, or considering an upgrade to a more efficient system, our skilled technicians are here to provide fast, reliable water heater repair and installation services.


Common Water Heater Problems We Fix

  • No Hot Water

  • Leaking Tanks

  • Strange Noises

  • Pilot Light Issues


Encountering issues with your water heater can be frustrating. Our team offers thorough diagnostic services to identify and resolve problems ranging from minor repairs to complex issues. We’re equipped to fix all types of water heaters, ensuring your hot water supply is restored as quickly as possible.


Tankless Water Heater Installation & Upgrade Services

  • Endless Hot Water on Demand

  • Improved Energy Efficiency


Choosing the right water heater for your home and ensuring it is installed correctly are crucial for its performance and longevity. Our professionals specialize in both traditional and tankless water heater installations, providing expert advice and precision installation to meet your hot water needs efficiently.


Maximizing Efficiency with Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to extending the life of your water heater and operating it at peak efficiency. Quix Plumbing offers comprehensive maintenance services designed to prevent unexpected breakdowns, improve energy efficiency, and save you money on utility bills.


Why Choose Quix for Water Heater Services

Our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and timely service sets us apart. With Quix Plumbing, you benefit from:


  • Licensed & Insured Plumbers

  • Transparent pricing with no hidden costs

  • Efficient, courteous service from certified professionals

  • Comprehensive warranties on workmanship and installations


Don’t let water heater issues disrupt your day. Visit to schedule a consultation with Quix Plumbing today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with expert water heater services.


Get Your Hot Water Flowing Again - Call Us Today!

If you're ready to book a service or get an estimate, Book Online Today. Have more questions? Call us at 1-888-566-7849.

  • When is my first Local Law 152 inspection due?
    Due Dates Inspections are organized by Community Districts – not boroughs.
  • How do I find what group my building is in?
    Find Your Community Group Inspections are organized by Community Districts – not boroughs. To locate your community district please visit the NYC.GOV Community Profiles page.
  • How much does a Local Law 152 inspection cost?
    Local Law 152 Gas Inspection Cost Our standard rate for a Local Law 152 Gas Inspection is $699.00 (for buildings with 10 units or less). Additional units are $15.00 per unit.
  • How often are inspections required?
    Periodic Local Law Inspections Are Due Every 4 years Initial inspections are scheduled in either 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023. Your second inspection will be due four years from your initial inspection date. The initial inspections are organized according to your community district (not borough) and have been divided into four groups.
  • What are the penalties?
    Civil Penalties for non-compliance with Local Law 152 Building owners that fail to comply with Local Law 152 will be fined $5,000.00 regardless of their building posing unsafe or hazardous conditions. So, it definitely pays to stay compliant! If you receive a penalty, you have up to 30 days to fight it and present proof that the penalty does not apply to you.
  • Where can I find more information about Local Law 152?
    Have More questions about Local Law 152? For more information on inspections and reporting visit the FAQ section of the DOB's website. It covers the most frequently asked questions and provides additional links to more information.
  • Does LL152 apply to me?
    Who exactly does LL152 apply to? All buildings that are 10 years old or older with three or more family units. LL152 also applies to all commercial buildings or buildings that have commercial units that are 10 years or older (regardless of size). For example, if you have a single-family unit on the second floor, with commercial space below LL152 applies (even though it's only two units). Here's another example: If you have a building, with three separate units, and three separate groups residing in the building, LL152 applies (even if it's only one floor). If you’re unsure of your property classification, you can find your building’s occupancy group on the Certificate of Occupancy. Buildings less than 10 years old are exempt and will need a LL152 inspection 10 years after their first gas permit was issued.
  • What if I don't have a gas piping system?
    Obtaining A Local Law 152 Exemption The following is required to obtain an exemption. You must prove the building does not contain a gas piping system. A registered design professional needs to file a certification verifying no gas piping exists in your building. The exemption needs to be reinstated every four years, the same as the inspections themselves. You may also be required to present a certificate of occupancy.
  • How long do I have to make repairs?
    Local Law 152 inspection, repair, and reporting timelines If the inspection certification submitted to the DOB shows minor corrections are needed, the owner must submit an Inspection Certification (within 120 days). It must be signed and sealed by the LMP who conducted the inspection, clearly state that the corrections have been made. An additional 60 days may be requested to address major issues ( for a total of 180 days). If gas service is interrupted, all repairs must be completed and certified prior to the re-establishment of gas service.
  • How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?
    You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
  • What does a Local Law 152 inspection involve?
    Local Law 152 Gas Inspection Details Within 30 days of each inspection, the LMP must complete and deliver a GPS1 Form that details all results for the building owner or board to review. This report will include a list of conditions requiring correction. Examples may include frayed or worn piping components that affect safe and reliable operation, non-code compliant installations, illegal connections, the detection of combustible gas, and any other conditions determined to be unsafe by the LMP. The LMP will also verify that portable combustible gas indicators and detection devices are present in the building. Click here for a list of acceptable devices approved by the New York State Department of Public Service. The building owner must submit the inspection certification (GPS2) form to the DOB within 60 days of the inspection date. Late submissions will require a new inspection. Therefore, in order to make sure you do not miss your inspection date, Quix Plumbing Service will submit the GPS2 form to the DOB on your behalf (through their online portal) at no additional fee and we will inform you once the process is completed. View a copy of a LL152 Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Report below.
  • What must be inspected for Local Law 152?
    Local Law 152 - What is inspected? LL152 requires all exposed gas piping from point of entry of gas piping into the building, including building services meters, and all gas piping in public spaces, hallways, corridors, and mechanical and boiler rooms. This does not include gas piping inside of apartments, but the doorway to the apartment must be checked to make sure there is not a gas leak within.
  • What's considered unsafe or hazardous?
    Local Law 152 Gas Inspection Details | Hazards Examples of unsafe/hazardous conditions include: The detection of combustible gas in surrounding air. Evidence of illegal connections or non-code compliant installations. Excessive piping corrosion or cracks. Any immediate hazard requiring the operator to shut off the gas and lock the meter.
  • What's the difference between hazardous and deficient conditions?
    Deficient vs Hazardous In the event that deficient, but not immediately unsafe or hazardous, conditions are identified by the LMP, the building has up to 120 days to correct all deficient conditions, complete another round of inspections to certify any repairs, and file the inspection reports with the DOB. If additional time is needed to correct deficient condition, a building owner can petition the DOB for a 60-day extension.
  • What happens if the utility company shuts off my gas?
    Gas Leaks And Hazardous Or Abnormal Operating Conditions A Licensed Master Plumber must make the required repairs and subsequently File for a permit with the DOB Pressure test the system to find any leaks. Make required repairs. Pressure test the system to confirm system integrity after repairs. Arrange for and be present at a DOB physical inspection which will include a pressure test. Obtain nyc DOB gas authorization, complete any required utility paperwork, and arrange for gas turn-on.
  • Does the plumber who identifies hazardous conditions during an inspection need to be the plumber who makes the repairs?
    The Same LMP Has To Perform All Inspections You can use any properly qualified plumber to make the repairs. However, the repairs must be certified by the plumber who performed the original inspection.
  • What exactly does the NYC Local Law 152 of 2016 update state?
    Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems Requirements In October of 2020, the NYC DOB released a service update. Read the Local Law 152 of 2016 Update for Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems Follow-up #2 by clicking below.
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